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Writer's pictureBean's Mom

COVIDcation Day #2

Today I:

Achieved these Random Household Tasks

(No Judging You Guys):

  1. Saw the bottom of my kitchen sink!

  2. Broke down a bunch of boxes 📦 dating from as far back as I-won’t-disclose-how-many-of-the-Bean’s-Birthdays-ago.

  3. Pulled out Bean’s next size-up (she’s getting so big!) and spring clothes from the Rubbermaids in her closet.

  4. Replaced the batteries in 4 of the Bean’s toys.

  5. Extricated Bean’s necklace from her plastic slinky.

Had so Much Fun & Laughed So Hard While We:

  1. Played with 4 toys we’ve never touched before!

  2. Spoke to BabyBro (this doesn’t happen as much as I’d like, as there is a 3 hr. time difference between us).

  3. Cuddled with the Bean (a rarity) while we watched part of a movie 🎥

  4. Giggled uncontrollably with my gal.

  5. Wore a unicorn 🦄 hairband.

  6. Totally lost track of my phone (for like, hours, you guys)!

Had These Sobering Moments:

  1. Realized we have way more toys than we need.

  2. Hoped that when life returns to well, the ‘new normal’, we remember that we can live with less.

  3. Realized that when this is all over, we may have no choice but to live with less.

  4. Tried to see that getting back to basics is a good thing and that all the ‘stuff’ has very little to do with any of the happiness or laughter that I experienced with the Bean today.

  5. Remembered that there have been other times in history when families had to survive entirely inside their homes or hide inside another family’s home, under circumstances much worse than those we’re living with currently.

Was Thrilled with These Achievements:

  1. Watched as the Bean put a square in the square cut-out of a shape sorter. VICTORY!

  2. Did a FaceTime with Hubs and watched, amazed, as the Bean totally engaged with his image (and, of course, her own) on the screen. This is a first! A first in the 2 and a half years that we’ve been doing FaceTime with the Bean’s BC cousins.

  3. Immediately turned that first into a second (because, who could resist?) by placing a second FT call to GrandmaGrandpa. Watched the Bean show off to them by jumping up and down as high as she could.

Performed These Acts of Bean-Care:

  1. Washed the Bean’s hair, there’s sooo much of it and she hates having her hair washed. Have some puncture wounds from when the Bean tried to scale me to avoid the hair washing.

  2. Clipped ALL fingernails on Bean’s right hand.

Performed these Acts of Self-Care:

  1. Applied moisturizer to my face (once) and eye cream (twice) - no small feat on a regular workin’ full-time/commuting/being Bean’s mom day! Might even whip up the motivation to pluck my own eyebrows tomorrow

  2. Discovered a new TV show that requires absolutely no brain power on my part (okay, not as rare as I’d like)!

  3. You might not believe this, but I swear it’s true - avoided ALL Coronavirus/COVID/end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it news!

Was Sad to Learn That:

  1. I’ve been missing many of the Bean’s firsts.

  2. All playgrounds in Waterloo Region are now closed. This somehow scares and saddens me more than any other measure that’s been taken so far.

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